Monday, February 9, 2009

Drum Roll Please ddddddddddd.....

Let me explain the bottom pictures first. This is what Uncle Steve made us for Valentine's Day and for my Birthday, he did such a great job on this heart! But he made us wear masks of course and when Brody put his on I was laughing so hard I could barley take the picture!
Well I made my own Birthday cake using of course fondant. I broke down and used store bought and I actually like it a lot better because it's not so sticky! I also bought a new tip for this class I'm going to and I got a little carried away with it on my cake. Also, the color of the frosting was meant to be red but I couldn't get it any darker unless I used up all my coloring. I am for the first time proud of the cake minus the clashing of the colors. Thank you for all supporting me in this! It means a lot and I think I'm getting better and thank you Grandma Shirley for the pans, books, and platter the cake is sitting on.
I love you all and Happy Birthday to me! :)


Erin Wittwer said...

Hey good Job Jessie! The cake looks awesome! Except I can't really see what the red things are...if it's still around by the time you read this will you close up on it and post another pic?
Happy Birthday! i love you!
That mask is hilarious on Brody..

Ruth Ann said...

That birthday cake you made looks fantastic. You did a great job on it. Did you make Brody a cake for his birthday? Love you guys.

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