The weather wasn't too bad going there but when we finally got to our destination our car got stuck and we had to park it at a general store. During this whole extravaganza I was on my way (by myself) walking to the car DOWN A HILL then I noticed my feet were almost level with my eyes and I totally ATE IT! Hard too. My left butt cheek is still sore from that. I'm not sure if it was a good thing I was alone or not because I didn't know wheather to laugh or cry. So I whimpered and thought I will try my hardest to not pee my pants from laughter when I see or hear someone do it. (Sorry Fonzy... I mean mom)
We all went snowboarding and little man J and girly R went Skiing. It was Brodys first time which started rough with him falling and getting ran over by a chair on the ski lift to which they had to shut the ski lift down for him to get back up. HAHA!! SO FUNNY!By the end of the day he was keeping up with Tyler (almost) and going off jumps. He say he's "addicted" too bad all the resorts are closed now that don't cost an arm and a kidney.
The video is of Jack and Brod watching Americas funniest Home Videos (A.F.V.) Turn the volume up it's hilarious!
After Jackson seeing the blog of the shelf Brody made he wanted me to write you this:
I want to make a tool like brody. I need more tools because Brody has a lot of tools. I need a knife to cut wood and a screwdriver. And Jessie and Brody can make a house for everyone.
Come here tomorrow. I want her to come her.
Also, get a thing that goes zzzzzz... (a drill)
And thank you for Brian Head. And I love You.
erin and Tyler don't put pictures of their adventures so I am so glad that you guys post about them. haha. I love the pics and especially the video with Jackson and Brody. Hilarious.
Hope all is well with you guys.
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