Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Red Fish Lake

To End the fun Holiday my Dad and Mary took us up to stay in cabins at Red Fish Lake. Brody couln't make it due to work and the Christensen's had to go back home so it was Me, Erin and her kids, and Mary's daughters Kira and her family and Bridgette. It's a killer drive but once you get there it is really pretty. We played Ticket to Ride every night and ate like King's. I also went river rafting for the first time in the coldest water I've ever been in! It was definately something I'll be doing again. The views were amazing and the company was great.
Thanks again Dad and Mary.

Playing at the beach

Just a couple good lookin ladies hanging out at the beach :)

Going on a hike

Instant friends

Awesome kids and an awesome view of the lake and mountains


Kira said...

It was a lot of fun! Love all the pics!

Suzanne said...

Looks like you guys had a great time!

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