Wednesday, August 10, 2011

I'm OOOOld.

We decided it was that time to go hike Adam's Canyon. We've done it a couple times years ago and we thought it would be fun. We heard it only took a total of 2 hours and we had exactly that much time to conquer this motha'. Before we were even to the canyon we were EXHAUSTED! Those stinkin switch backs had done us in. We wanted to turn back but there is no way we would try this again, so since we were already up the switch backs we pressed on.
It is seriously up hill the whole way! What the heck is wrong with these people with smiles on there faces passing us? (idiots is what I was thinking). We couldn't take too many breaks because I had to be to work in a couple hours.
Finally we made it! with little bickering. To make it to the waterfall is amazing. It's so pretty, peaceful, and the temperature is perfect there with cold mist coming from the waterfall.
Now, it was time to go back down hill.. my legs were shaking the whole time and my knees were going to give out so I was moving like a turtle. Needless to say, Brody wasn't too impressed with my timing.
When I got out of bed this morning I could barley walk. The sides of my buttocks are SO stiff, I think I have shin splints, and I feel like someone sucker punched me in the ribs on my right side... Oye, I'm gettin old.


McCall said...

I don't think I've EVER actually been to the waterfall! Maybe I'll attempt it next year...

The Davis' said...

haha Jessie that is exactly how Alex and I felt when we hiked Adams withe Shaylee and Nick Miller! They made it sound so easy, little did we know we were in for a 3 hour hike ha. Good times!

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