Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Cat's out of the bag

Hello fellow readers,
Yep.. It's true.. I'm that precious "P" word. P.H.A.T. :) Just kidding. PREGNANT hahaha (nervous laugh). I didn't know I was until about 4 1/2 weeks into it. No signs, no symptoms until a week or so later it hit me like a punch to the stomach. I went to the doctor when I was at 7 weeks and was able to see the bebe and hear the heartbeat (which made this all more real).I am now 9 weeks to the day (almost out of this 1st trimester!) and it is taking a toll on me. Here are some of the problems I am experiencing:

1. I can't sleep through the night because I have to PEE every 20 minutes.
2. Every single item of food sounds discusting.
3. If I don't eat every 3 to 4 hours, I get so hungry it's like I've NEVER eaten food before. So when I eat food, I can only have a little because I get full fast. It's a vicious cycle.
4. I'm more tired now then when I had Mono.
5. I have weird breakdowns and start to cry. For example, I felt so bad I couldn't cook Brody dinner one day and I cried like a baby and couldn't stop (at least it wasn't over brownies or jedi training :) ).
6. Our house is messy cuz all I want to do is NOTHING.
7. I can't go to the grocey store without smelling something awful.
8. What the heck is morning sickness? I have night sickness.
9. On a good note, I've only thrown up once and I wasn't even nauseated. So I guess it just comes and goes when it pleases.

I'm looking forward to the 2nd trimester to HOPEFULLY loose some of these habits I've developed.

We told our parents and siblings 2 weekends ago. I made copies of the ultrasound and put some plastic over it then painted some metalic stuff on it so it was a scratch off card (like a lottery ticket). We told them it was a promo for my work and they believed us :). My mom went first and she couldn't quit smiling, she was so happy.
Then we went to my Dad's and at first when he was scratching it he said "oh, I won a gun" I guess something in the photo looked like a gun haha. Then he scratch a little more and came and put the picture up to my belly. It was really cute. Last stop was Jana's and when she was scratching she got this look on her face and couldn't believe it. She started crying she was SO happy, which made me cry. This will be her first grandkid. Brody's brothers were really excited too.
We sent those to McCord, Dane, Jack, and Rylee and Stef and Erin called and couldn't believe it either.
We're excited and nervous so wish us luck on this new journey. I'm going to keep this blog updated with the prego stuff so stay tuned for more.

Had to take 4 to believe it


Olivia Neilson said...

YAY! Jessie im so excited for you guys I cant believe your going to be a mommy! Times have definitly changed.. haha we had so much fun! Cant wait to follow your progress, my mom is going to die when she hears the news. She loves you. Congrats to both of you. You guys will be such fun parents!

Katie said...

Seriously so excited for you guys! This will be the best adventure yet, trust me. BTW the peeing thing only gets worse. The food thing totally normal...when I'm prego I eat before I leave home, then we have to stop in preston so I can eat, then as soon as we get to logan I have to eat again or I'll die. Good luck!

John and Stef said...

Totally cute pictures of the grandparents! Yay for babies!!

A Tale of Two Scott's. said...

Congrat's again!! I'm excited for you two! :) i'll be the desegnated God Mother so whenever you need a break you can send the little peanut over! I'll spoil it rotten!

Lindsay said...

CONGRATS! Good luck with everything! I had night sickness too- hopefully everything goes away after the first trimester! So happy for you!! :)

McCall said...

Unbelievable- that is sooo great!!

Kira said...

Yay! Congrats! You two will be such cute parents! Can't wait to find out what it is!

RuthAnn said...

Congratulations ! That is great news. I will be sure to keep reading your blog for updates.

The Davis' said...

JESSIE!!! Oh my gosh, congrats you two! Can't believe you waited until after we moved :(,jk. So happy for you both though, your baby will be so adorable. Can't wait to see what you are having. And you must keep this blog updated. Love you Jess!

Kenley and Mel said...

OMG YAY that is so exciting. Congrats congrats!!! Ken and I are so excited for you ;)

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