Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Brian Head

In Feb. we met the Wittwers at their condo in Brian Head. This year, there was much less snow on the roads and we were able to get to the condo safely with no accidents (unlike last year). I wasn't able to go snowboarding this year which was fine because I got Channing all to myself!
Brody was feeling pretty confident before he even did his first trip down the hill, he volunteered to help Jackson down the hill. Brody had a snowboard, Jack had skis on. Well Jackson is fearless and went crusing down the hill. Brody took off on his snowboard trying to catch him and fell pretty hard on his butt. It's still bruised to this day. Brody got right back up and continued chasing him until Jack had an accident of his own and crashed pretty hard and a ski went flying. Of course he wasn't hurt or scared. He just wanted to do it again.
The weekend was much needed fun and relaxing. We were fortunate enough to have Erin and her kids come back to Layton with us for a week while Tyler went to Orlando for work.
We ended the week with the kids sleeping at our house. They're so stinking cute! I miss them all so much and can't wait to see them in like 2 weeks!

Such a cute family

Just relaxing

Brody loves Chan


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